Original Poster

Refined Poster

Influences: French New Wave
Poster for Free Film Series
I had the opportunity to prototype posters for the University of Minnesota's Free Film Series.
An annual event at the University of Minnesota showcasing avant-garde films in McNeal Hall.
Featured film: "La Jetée" by Chris Marker.
Task: Create a poster for the film series.
Research focused on relevant design trends.
Incorporation of minimalist designs from mid-20th-century European posters.
Utilization of subtly psychedelic textures and typefaces of the time.
Favorite aspect: Simplicity and depth of design.

(Designed by @kjpargeter)

Poster Refinement
Continued influence from minimalist mid-20th century European posters and subtly psychedelic elements.
Expansion of poster's depth for visual impact.
Removal of the original quote to balance white space.
Attempt to better separate the informational elements from the artistic composition in contrast to the original poster.

(Designed by @kjpargeter)

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