Original: Primary
Original: Primary
Original: Secondary
Original: Secondary
Original: Tertiary
Original: Tertiary
Refined: Brick-by-Brick
Refined: Brick-by-Brick
Refined: Radial Hexagon
Refined: Radial Hexagon
Original intention: Create a poster style pattern with boldly colored backgrounds.
Color palette limited to three colors in primary and two in secondary patterns, excluding background colors for simplicity in printing.
Patterns and Colorways/Hand Print Review
Aimed for two different colorways per pattern.
Selected colors to signify freshness and rottenness, but faced unexpected challenges with fabric dying for the secondary pattern.
Adjusted primary pattern to three colors, secondary pattern remained at two colors, and tertiary pattern had one color.
Added more definition to the avocado pit in the primary pattern by introducing another color.
I worked on improving the rhythm and flow in the secondary pattern, which I based the tertiary pattern on by limiting colors and changing the background.
Print Collection Review
Refinement focused on digital mockups and prints, aiming to enhance patterns and introduce a tertiary pattern.
Avocado pit in primary pattern emphasized with additional color.
Secondary pattern redesigned for better rhythm and flow.
Tertiary pattern based on the secondary pattern, with color limitations and background adjustments.
Pattern Mockups
(Designed by Freepik)
Project Refinement
Added cohesive patterns that complemented the original aesthetic and theme.
Experimented with radial and hexagonal patterning effects while maintaining utilization of white space.
Tested patterns on mockups for fabric-based applications such as aprons or pajamas.
Brick-by-Row Design
Brick-by-Row Design
Radial Hexagon Design
Radial Hexagon Design
Pajama Mockup (Designed by @zlatko_plamenov)
Pajama Mockup (Designed by @zlatko_plamenov)
Apron Mockup (Designed by Mockuptree)
Apron Mockup (Designed by Mockuptree)
Project Reflection
Given the resources and opportunity, I would have wanted to see these patterns physically mocked up. I would love to see the same process for the refined patterns because my previous pattern drafts had the same refinement process.
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